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Cutting the Waste: Practical Solutions for Reducing Food Waste
Check out these 3 practical tips to help you reduce food waste immediately!
The “Missing Link” in Group Exercise
What if one small principle could help us achieve classes that were both popular and improved our students’ ability to function.
How to maintain self-care at home
If the pandemic has taught us something, it has definitely taught us that self-care is very important.
Improve YOur Physical and mental health in 4 Steps
Self-care is about more than just pampering
Green Cleaning, Fresh Air: Tips for Maintaining Indoor Air Quality
With winter on its way indoor air quality is of the utmost importance.
Your Confidence Kickstarter
Like many things, confidence has suffered during COVID. Dive into some ways to regain your confidence and move forward with your life!
Fiber May Just Be the magic pill
Have you ever wished that you could simply swallow a pill and achieve good health? Life sure would be a whole lot easier wouldn’t it!
A Closer look at pandemic changes-How are they serving you?
The pandemic has impacted our lives in many ways. Crises of this scale are found to change how we go about our daily life, work, and other routines, while also triggering various mental health conditions in some people.
3 Ways to Boost Brain Health With Exercise
Let’s be honest! Most of us exercise to lose weight or look better. For some there are additional benefits of a sense of community and stress releif from a hard workout.
The Science of Habits
The new year is filled with potential. Maybe you are dedicated to a new exercise regime or you have decided that you are going to try and eat out less. Whatever it is you wish to change,understanding the science behind habits both good and bad can help you achieve your goals!
Egg Substitues for baking and cooking
Eggs have been glorified for their protein content. They are a staple at the breakfast table as well as in many baked goods. However, according to the Physicians’ Health Study, there is a 23% increased death rate from those eating more than one egg a week and those who ate 7 or more eggs a week increased the rate of death by 58%. (The End of Dieting, Joel Furhman). Why are eggs so deleterious to your health?
Batch Cooking Made Easy
A friend of mine recently told me about a website, Clean Food Dirty Girl, that has great plant-based meal plans. I was curious so I joined the free trial. I was pleased to find that it wasn't just plant-based but oil-free as well.
Tips for Budget Friendly Grocery Shopping
One of the biggest reasons people will give for not changing to a plant-based diet is money. They are concerned about the cost of buying large amounts of produce and other expensive whole foods. I have two answers to that
Want to be the Envy of Everyone This Holiday Season?
How many pounds will you gain during the holidays this year? We all want the answer to be zero but the truth lies somewhere in the range of 1-5 pounds.
Sleep: the missing link to your weight loss struggles
We all think exercise and diet are the keys to weight loss. While that is largely true, sleep is an often overlooked component to health and wellness that could significantly affect you ability to lose weight.
Always fill your “Why Cup”
Two of my favorite people in the world, Bruce and Mindy Mylrea, always talk about the importance of filling your "why cup." Basically it means that you should always be seeking additional knowledge to support you in your endeavors.
One Day to Wellness
I started my nutrition journey in earnest 2 years ago when I attended a seminar called One Day to Wellness. I had dabbled in eating a healthy diet and thought I knew what that looked like. However, I must admit I was failing! I had tried fad diets and trends like a lot of people do trying to maintain my weight.
Finding Balance
I was listening to an interview with Kris Carr who is a plant-based author and filmmaker the other day and found myself very inspired by her words. The interviewer asked her, What is the most important thing to healing and well-being?"
The Sticky Truth
Most of us know that in order to maintain a healthy diet we need to limit sugar. However, it is important to differentiate between natural and added sugar. Sugar that occurs naturally in a whole food such as fruit has fiber attached to it.
Always Hungry?
Maybe you decided to cut back on food in the new year and lose a few of those pounds you put on over the holidays. If that is case, it is entirely possible that you also feel chronically hungry! There is one basic strategy that will help you feel full and satisfied without destroying the healthy eating plan you have adopted, EAT MORE! First let's talk about the science behind why this strategy works.