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Workouts Katie St. George Workouts Katie St. George

Vacation Workout

Vacations are in full swing and the respite from the normal day to day schedule is welcome!  For me summer is just as busy driving kids from place to place as it is during the school year.  The only thing missing is not having to worry about packing lunches.  Vacation is a chance for me to relax if only for a few days.

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Behavioral Change Katie St. George Behavioral Change Katie St. George

Which Diet Should I Choose?

There are so many diets out there!  Some seem reasonable and are often backed by claims that they will produce dramatic weigh loss and make you healthy while others seem ridiculous.  The diet industry produces a new diet every five minutes each one claiming to be the best.  It can make your head spin!

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Recipes Katie St. George Recipes Katie St. George


A great deal of evidence points to the importance of a plant-based diet. Animal protein whether it is seafood, eggs or meat has a negative impact on your cardiovascular system.

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Behavioral Change Katie St. George Behavioral Change Katie St. George

Greens to Lean

I will fully admit that I am a nutrition nerd. I love to read books about nutrition or diets. When I hear about a new one the first thing I do is head to Amazon to order it! I've spent the last few days reading The End of Heart Disease by Joel Fuhrman.

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Behavioral Change Katie St. George Behavioral Change Katie St. George

30 Days to Healthy Living: Part 2

Week 2 almost down and I have to admit that it is getting easier. I no longer crave the caffeine and almost don't crave the taste of coffee. The biggest difference I am noticing this week is that I am not as hungry. I have used a couple of the recipes Arbonne provides as part of the meal plan and they are delicious.

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Katie St. George Katie St. George

Food of the Month: Zucchini

In Virginia and many other places May is the start of zucchini season. It is a crop that a novice gardener can grow in abundance and with very little effort. It is also a very versatile vegetable which makes it a perfect side dish or addition to a dish that you might be preparing.

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Behavioral Change Katie St. George Behavioral Change Katie St. George

30 Days to Healthy Living

I recently posted about trying the Arbonne 30 days to healthy living. Well, Monday was the first day of the 30 day plan. I will admit the first 2 days were not easy only because of caffeine withdrawal (it could also of been my crazy busy weekend that wore me out). I was so tired!

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Recipes Katie St. George Recipes Katie St. George

Granola Bars

There are so many granola bar options on the market today that it can be a bit overwhelming! Some are better than others as far as the amount of sugar or the number of ingredients but nothing is better than when you control the ingredients yourself.

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Miscellaneous Katie St. George Miscellaneous Katie St. George

3 Best Exercises to Get Those “Beach Ready” Abs

We think we need to employ a complicated routine to get those 6 pack abs we all covet. This couldn't be further from the truth. We have all the tools we need right here at our disposal. That tool is ourselves. Planks use body weight to engage our entire core (abdominals and lower back) and are quite functional if we add movement to the basic plank position. There are 3 basic plank positions.

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Katie St. George Katie St. George

Food of the Month: Kale

When your 13 year old son asks you to make that recipe with kale in it you know you have done something right! Kale has become the "it" food but I know that I was intimidated by it at first. As I cook with it more and more I find that kale is in fact quite easy to use and delicious. Delicious enough that even a 13 year old requests it!

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Behavioral Change Katie St. George Behavioral Change Katie St. George


As the summer months approach we think that hydration is of greater importance. What we may not realize is that adequate hydration is important at any time of the year. Staying properly hydrated does many things for your body.

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Behavioral Change Katie St. George Behavioral Change Katie St. George

Caffeine: To Drink or Not to Drink?

It feels like we are constantly hearing about a new study that either berates caffeine or lauds its benefits. We know that caffeine has negative effects on our body especially if consumed in large quantities like increased acid in the stomach, heartburn and blood pressure.

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