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The Licensing Effect
How many of you have said, "I've exercised today so it's ok to have those fries with dinner!" That mentality may be sabotaging your diet! The licensing effect is when being good gives us permission to be bad.
The Licensing Effect
How many of you have said, "I've exercised today so it's ok to have those fries with dinner!" That mentality may be sabotaging your diet! The licensing effect is when being good gives us permission to be bad.
Spring has Sprung?
Spring should have sprung but it seems to be reluctant this year. Even with the cold temperatures local strawberries are making their way into stores and CSAs (community supported agriculture) and farmers markets.
You can do tabata at any age!
At 68, Nancy Powell has been participating in the eight week "Spring in to Shape" Tabata Bootcamp. “I expected an exercise reboot but the experience has been so much more!”
Food of the Month: Arugula
Arugula is rich in vitamins A, C, and K. In fact it is one of the best vegetable sources of Vitamin K providing a boost for bone and brain health. Arugula also provides high levels of Calcium, Folate, Magnesium, Iron and Copper which makes it a good substitute for spinach.