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Last Minute Gift Ideas
Christmas is rapidly approaching and if you are like me you still have a few gifts to buy! Some people are so hard to buy for but hopefully these items will inspire you to finish that shopping list so you can relax and enjoy the holidays with your family and friends.
The New Year is Coming! Are You Ready to Make a Change?
This week I'm going to link you to another blog that has become very important to me, One Day To Wellness. Check out my journey from fitness instructor to wellness coach
Healthy Eating On The Go Series
The holidays are upon us and with this comes even less time than normal to fix healthy meals. We often find ourselves searching for a quick bite.
Sprouting For Health
Sprouting For Health
I keep hearing about sprouting and wondered what the big deal was with growing your own sprouts. I started to explore the how and why and have become quite enamored with the process for 3 reasons.
My Love Affair with Soup
The weather has just turned quite cold and I find myself enjoying soup of all varieties. They are filling and easy to make in big batches and freeze. My kids often take soup to lunch with them which is a great way to know they are getting a nutritionally sound lunch even if they do trade their carrot sticks for a few Oreos.
Food of the Month: Lentils
It’s fall again and for me that means soup! I love homemade soup as the weather starts to get a bit chillier. Lentil soup is a great way to get your protein, fiber and veggies all in one convenient package.
In Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
As I purchased my special Breast Cancer Awareness bagels from Panera this week and my youngest son came home from soccer practice with very bright pink socks to wear for his game this week, I started to think about the impact that Breast Cancer and all cancers have on our lives. I’m sure that most of us have been personally affected by this disease or at the very least know someone who has been affected.
Food of the Month: Oats
Oats were first brought to America in the 1600s by the British. They are a cereal grain that is grown for both human and animal consumption. Oats in their most natural form are oat groats. They can be cooked or steamed. However, they have a bigger grain than rice so they take much longer to cook.
Need a Great Summer Recipe?
With my numerous allergies and my choice to eat a whole-foods plant-based diet, I have a hard time finding food that will travel easily especially in the heat. A friend of mine sent me this recipe from Richmond Magazine and I absolutely love it! It is simple to make, really flavorful, keeps for a week in the refrigerator, extremely nutrient dense and is really fantastic for taking to friend's houses for summer parties/get-togethers.
Brown Fat: Why we actually want this type of fat
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Brown Fat: Why we actually want this type of fat
For most of us the quest to rid our bodies of fat is of paramount importance! Wait just a minute though! There is a type of fat, brown fat, that is actually beneficial for us to have in our bodies. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, brown fat is defined as ” a mammalian heat-producing tissue occurring especially in human fetuses and newborn infants and in hibernating animals — also called brown adipose tissue.”
How Much Protein is Enough?
As a group fitness instructor and a self proclaimed “nutrition nerd,” students have often asked me about how much protein they need. There are many nutrition authorities that tout high protein/high fat/low carbohydrate diets.
The Plant Based Life
One of the reasons transitioning to a plant-based diet is difficult is a bit psychological. We were raised to expect a main course that consisted of meat so when that doesn’t exist we feel cheated and deprived. That got me thinking!
Time Restricted Eating
Throughout our history humans have faced periods of extended famine. We are equipped with the capacity to survive these periods because of our ability to access our fat stores as long as we consume adequate water (water-only fasting) (The Pleasure Trap by Lisle and Goldhamer).
What is the “Mother” in Vinegar
I’ve always wondered why Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar boasted of this thing called “mother.” Recently I was in a store that sells fancy flavored vinegars and they mentioned that they too sold vinegar with “mother” in it. That got me thinking, what exactly is “mother” and why is it so good for you?
Food of the Month: Green Beans
Green beans may seem like a summer crop but in Virginia the season for green beans extends into October. One of my family's favorite vegetables is green beans so I thought I would pass on a little information about this delicious and versatile vegetable.
6 Easy Mason Jar Ideas To Make Meal Prep a Breeze
6 Easy Mason Jar Ideas To Make Meal Prep a Breeze
I recently came across a friend's newsletter and she gave a few tips that I found interesting. One of them was a use for mason jars that I hadn't thought of before. Well, that got me thinking! How many other ways could I use mason jars to prep food in advance and make mealtime easier and healthier for my family. What I came up with may not be news to you but perhaps one of these ideas will excite you!
Rice-To Eat, or Not to Eat: That is the Question
Rice: To eat, or not to eat: that is the question. In recent years carbohydrates have taken on a bad name with many experts recommending a low or no carbohydrate diet. Some carbohydrates have been labelled "bad carbohydrates" like rice, potatoes and bread.
Where Have you Been All My Life?
Recently I was waiting for my son to finish a soccer evaluation and I overheard two parents talking about an "Instant Pot." I love to cook and try new things but I had never heard of this before! It took everything I had to wait until I got home to look it up and what I discovered was very promising. After researching which brand and model I wanted, I settled on a 8 qt. Instant Pot Duo80.
Partner Fun! Workout With a Buddy
Sometimes working out can be lonely and you can feel a little unmotivated especially if you typically workout alone. Instead of your normal workout why don’t you try these partner exercises. I created a quick instructional video for you to watch so take a quick look!
Food of the Month: Cherries
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Food of the Month: Cherries
Cherries make me think of summer and my kids with sticky red faces after they ate a bowl of cherries. Even though it seemed most of the cherry ended up on their faces I knew what was getting into their bodies was amazing and delicious so this blog is dedicated to that sweet and sometimes messy summer treat!