Partner Fun! Workout With a Buddy

Sometimes working out can be lonely and you can feel a little unmotivated especially if you typically workout alone.  Instead of your normal workout why don’t you try these partner exercises. I created a quick instructional video for you to watch so take a quick look!

These exercises can be used in any order and can be done for any length of time.  However, my suggestion would be to put them together in the following ways:

Workout #1

Do all exercises using Tabata timing.  That means doing the exercises for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest.  This is repeated for a total of 8 times.  You would pick 2 exercises and repeat each twice.  For example, you might do 2 rounds of squat jumps followed by 2 rounds of  partner push-ups.  Then you would repeat the squat jumps for 2 more rounds followed by 2 more rounds of partner push-ups.  You might want to add a few more exercises into the mix to create a 30 minute workout like jumping jacks, high knee, lunges etc.  Be creative or use exercises you are familiar with to round out the partner drills.

Workout #2

Do the exercises in a circuit doing each one for 1 minute followed by a brief rest.  You would repeat the circuit several times depending on how long you wish to exercise.

Have fun and challenge your partner to work hard!


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