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Miscellaneous Riley Shaia Miscellaneous Riley Shaia

No equipment? None needed!

Lots of us are going on vacation and we don't want to let our fitness regime slide. We also don't want to spend our entire vacation exercising nor do we have the space or equipment to get in a great workout! The solution lies in a quick 35 minute body weight tabata workout.

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Behavioral Change Riley Shaia Behavioral Change Riley Shaia

Natural Anti-inflammatories

We are very quick these days to treat any ailment we might have with medication. However, what we eat can make a huge difference in the stress and inflammation our bodies experience. Chronic inflammation, which can lead to diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, depression and Alzheimer's disease, is the manifestation of oxidative stress.

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Miscellaneous Riley Shaia Miscellaneous Riley Shaia

Tabata Bootcamp Testimonial

This week I thought I would share a testimonial from one of my bootcampers. Ashley’s experience with Tabata Bootcamp is exactly what I would wish for everyone who joins this program. Her success is amazing and although she gives me some credit, it is her hard work that allowed her to achieve such amazing results!

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Miscellaneous Riley Shaia Miscellaneous Riley Shaia

HIIT Training vs. Resistance Training: Which is most effective?

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HIIT Training vs. Resistance Training: Which is most effective?

HIIT training ( High Intensity Interval Training) is still the buzz in the fitness industry. However, resistance or strength training is extremely important because there is little doubt that muscle mass declines with age. Ideally we should be doing both but who has time for that in a life full of many other obligations? The question then becomes which one is more important.

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Behavioral Change Riley Shaia Behavioral Change Riley Shaia

Light Summer Reading Anyone?

While I would not consider these selections light summer reads, I do feel like these books are a great introduction to the why and how of whole-foods plant-based eating. Each of these books has a slightly different perspective and purpose but each is extremely informative.

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Behavioral Change Riley Shaia Behavioral Change Riley Shaia


As we enter the summer months, schedules begin to relax with kids out of school and vacations. That can be a landmine for sticking to our diet and exercise plans. It can be so easy to let healthy habits go in the summer months so how do we stay on track? One word: ACCOUNTABILITY.

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Recipes Riley Shaia Recipes Riley Shaia

Food of The Month: Beets

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Food of The Month: Beets

I know what your thinking! “Yuck! My mom force-fed me beets when I was a kid and I will never willingly eat them again!” Well, I don’t know about you but there a lot of foods that I thought that I hated but realize as an adult these same foods are quite tasty. As we age and evolve, foods that once repulsed us can become a staple in our diets.

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Behavioral Change Riley Shaia Behavioral Change Riley Shaia

Read Between the Lines

I recently read a letter to the editor in our local newspaper about milk alternatives. While this person was far from an expert the letter was ridiculous on so many levels. My first thought was that there were certainly readers out there that would read this article and believe what this person was saying. That really upset me!

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Recipes Riley Shaia Recipes Riley Shaia

Need a Substitution for Almond Flour?

Along with many other food sensitivities including gluten, I have a problem with almonds. That makes it really difficult to bake because a lot of gluten free recipes substitute almond flour/meal for regular flour.

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Behavioral Change Riley Shaia Behavioral Change Riley Shaia

Dipper or Diver?

I recently wrote about the dangers of dairy. That kind of information may be enough for some people to decide to remove dairy from their diet. Depending on how much dairy you consume that task may be easy or quite daunting. One thing that is important to realize is what kind of personality type you are when it comes to change.

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Recipes Riley Shaia Recipes Riley Shaia

Food of the Month: Sweet Potatoes

Did you know that February is National Sweet Potato Month? Screen Shot 2017-01-29 at 3.52.00 PMSweet potatoes were one of my favorite vegetables. They were tasty and packed a powerful nutritional punch! Then I turned 40! My body developed an allergy to them amongst other things.

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Riley Shaia Riley Shaia

New Gadget for the New Year

I know it’s frowned upon for a husband to get his wife cookware for Christmas but my husband knows I love to cook so he took a chance. He got me a Tupperware SmartSteamer and I will admit it is pretty cool!

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