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Bring on the New Year!
I know that we haven’t even celebrated Christmas yet but I’m a planner so I started thinking about the new year. It is full of possibilities! Those possibilities only come to fruition though if you make a conscious effort to achieve your goals.
Time For Soup!
This past week the temperature has begun to drop and it is finally starting to feel like winter. I’m always cold (my kids make fun of me about it constantly) so a salad for lunch or dinner isn’t as appetizing to me as it is in the more temperate months. What is enticing is the thought of a steaming bowl of soup!
No Time to Exercise? Check This Out!
I was talking to a member at the YMCA recently about his difficulty with exercising during the holidays. He told me that he was travelling and wanted to continue to exercise. The problem was that he didn't want to bring any equipment and the space he would have was very limited.
Food of the Month: Brussels Sprouts
I know what is going through you mind right now! You are in one of two camps when it comes to brussels sprouts, you love them or hate them. I tend to fall into the “love them” camp but that was not always the case. I didn’t grow up eating them so my image of them as a kid was a really disgusting and smelly vegetable.
Need Gift Ideas on Cyber Monday?
Most of us decide to make changes for the better in January. It’s the start of a new year and all we want is for this year to be better than the last. Improvements to our health and well-being usually top the list so on this cyber Monday I thought I would offer some gift suggestions for anyone in your life that might like some health promoting gifts.
I never thought that I would be the type of person who meditated. I’m constantly moving and doing something. That is until I literally fall into bed each night exhausted and unable to keep my eyes open one more minute. I pride myself on being productive and using each minute of every day. Who has time for meditation? The answer to that question should be me! I’m exactly the person who should be meditating.
More Broccoli Please!
Since attending the One Day to Wellness Seminar two weeks ago I have been trying very hard to transition my family to a whole foods plant based diet. For me and for my daughter the transition has been pretty easy. We both love vegetables and even before I knew the research behind why we should eat this way she and I ate that way most of the time anyway.
Cheesecake Factory Anyone?
For the past few years my friend Mindy Mylrea has been a whole foods, plant-based eater so when she suggested that we eat at the Cheesecake Factory of all places I was a bit shocked to say the least. I trust her judgement, however, so I willingly stepped inside to see what this restaurant known for it’s incredibly unhealthy calorie bombs had to offer.
Artificial Sweeteners
Our Standard American Diet (SAD) is promoting addiction to sugar and artificial sweeteners. While added sugar in our diet is also extremely detrimental to our health (this requires a completely different blog post), artificial sweeteners affect our bodies in a very unique way.
Food of the Month: Spaghetti Squash
This variety of winter squash peaks in its ripeness in early fall through winter. It has amazing properties but I have a hard time finding a good recipe for it. Like quinoa it is a little bland and tends to take on the flavors that you put with it. I have searched and until recently have not found a go-to recipe for this very healthy vegetable. My search is over!
Don’t get duped!
I recently read an article in the Richmond Times Dispatch about an interesting tactic Chipotle is employing these days in an effort to revitalize their name. They are sponsoring "Cultivate" festivals across the country that entice the consumer with music but also attempt to draw them into exhibits whose aim is to crusade against "Big Food."
Number One Tip to a Healthier You
What if I told you I could give you one tip and it would change your health dramatically. You probably wouldnn’t believe me but it’s true! That one tip is to BE PREPARED!
Small Steps Lead to Great Change
The creator of Tabata Bootcamp Mindy Mylrea and her husband Bruce are often heard saying “small steps lead to great change.” Even that can seem overwhelming when it comes to changes in your diet.
Food of the Month: Apples
It’s officially fall! The kids went back to school today and the house is once again quiet (at least until 2:30). While it doesn’t feel like fall today since we are reaching 93 degrees in Virginia, I know cooler weather will be here soon and with the cooler weather will come an abundance of apples.
The Magic of Small Groups
Small group training has gained popularity in recent years. Why do people flock to this type of training? The simple answer is camaraderie. We live in a world where we can potentially have very little human interaction and joining a group especially appeals to people.
Clean Out Your Fridge Summer Salad
This past week I was still suffering from a calf injury, getting over a nasty cold and running my kids eight different directions! Let’s just say that it wasn’t my best week! Going to the grocery store to forage for dinner wasn’t in the cards so instead I foraged in my refrigerator and what came out was fantastic!
Tabata Confusion
High intensity interval training or HIIT for short is extremely popular right now! It’s on every group exercise schedule in every gym and is a workout people love to hate! However, I often see people mistaking Tabata and other HIIT training protocols.
Lemon Water Ritual
Everyone knows it is important to drink water but have you ever tried lemon water first thing in the morning? Why should we drink a glass of lemon water each day? There are many reasons but here are a few!
Meatless Mondays? How about meatless Tuesdays and Wednesdays and………
While meatless Mondays gained popularity a few years back have you ever considered taking that principle a step further? In fact it is not just meat that should be avoided. We should also limit our consumption of dairy, seafood and eggs.
4 Healthy Dessert Recipes
I will fully admit that I love all things sweet! Unfortunately healthy and dessert do not often appear in the same sentence. That got me thinking. Could I find healthy dessert recipes or were they just a pipe dream?