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Food of the Month: Green Beans
Green beans may seem like a summer crop but in Virginia the season for green beans extends into October. One of my family's favorite vegetables is green beans so I thought I would pass on a little information about this delicious and versatile vegetable.
6 Easy Mason Jar Ideas To Make Meal Prep a Breeze
6 Easy Mason Jar Ideas To Make Meal Prep a Breeze
I recently came across a friend's newsletter and she gave a few tips that I found interesting. One of them was a use for mason jars that I hadn't thought of before. Well, that got me thinking! How many other ways could I use mason jars to prep food in advance and make mealtime easier and healthier for my family. What I came up with may not be news to you but perhaps one of these ideas will excite you!
Food of the Month: Cherries
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Food of the Month: Cherries
Cherries make me think of summer and my kids with sticky red faces after they ate a bowl of cherries. Even though it seemed most of the cherry ended up on their faces I knew what was getting into their bodies was amazing and delicious so this blog is dedicated to that sweet and sometimes messy summer treat!
Food of The Month: Beets
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Food of The Month: Beets
I know what your thinking! “Yuck! My mom force-fed me beets when I was a kid and I will never willingly eat them again!” Well, I don’t know about you but there a lot of foods that I thought that I hated but realize as an adult these same foods are quite tasty. As we age and evolve, foods that once repulsed us can become a staple in our diets.
Food of the Month: Asparagus
Asparagus is a member of the lily family and is one of springs first arrivals. It comes in the various colors of green, purple or white.
Need a Substitution for Almond Flour?
Along with many other food sensitivities including gluten, I have a problem with almonds. That makes it really difficult to bake because a lot of gluten free recipes substitute almond flour/meal for regular flour.
Food of the Month: Sweet Potatoes
Did you know that February is National Sweet Potato Month? Screen Shot 2017-01-29 at 3.52.00 PMSweet potatoes were one of my favorite vegetables. They were tasty and packed a powerful nutritional punch! Then I turned 40! My body developed an allergy to them amongst other things.
Time For Soup!
This past week the temperature has begun to drop and it is finally starting to feel like winter. I’m always cold (my kids make fun of me about it constantly) so a salad for lunch or dinner isn’t as appetizing to me as it is in the more temperate months. What is enticing is the thought of a steaming bowl of soup!
Food of the Month: Brussels Sprouts
I know what is going through you mind right now! You are in one of two camps when it comes to brussels sprouts, you love them or hate them. I tend to fall into the “love them” camp but that was not always the case. I didn’t grow up eating them so my image of them as a kid was a really disgusting and smelly vegetable.
More Broccoli Please!
Since attending the One Day to Wellness Seminar two weeks ago I have been trying very hard to transition my family to a whole foods plant based diet. For me and for my daughter the transition has been pretty easy. We both love vegetables and even before I knew the research behind why we should eat this way she and I ate that way most of the time anyway.
Food of the Month: Spaghetti Squash
This variety of winter squash peaks in its ripeness in early fall through winter. It has amazing properties but I have a hard time finding a good recipe for it. Like quinoa it is a little bland and tends to take on the flavors that you put with it. I have searched and until recently have not found a go-to recipe for this very healthy vegetable. My search is over!
Food of the Month: Apples
It’s officially fall! The kids went back to school today and the house is once again quiet (at least until 2:30). While it doesn’t feel like fall today since we are reaching 93 degrees in Virginia, I know cooler weather will be here soon and with the cooler weather will come an abundance of apples.
Clean Out Your Fridge Summer Salad
This past week I was still suffering from a calf injury, getting over a nasty cold and running my kids eight different directions! Let’s just say that it wasn’t my best week! Going to the grocery store to forage for dinner wasn’t in the cards so instead I foraged in my refrigerator and what came out was fantastic!
4 Healthy Dessert Recipes
I will fully admit that I love all things sweet! Unfortunately healthy and dessert do not often appear in the same sentence. That got me thinking. Could I find healthy dessert recipes or were they just a pipe dream?
Food of the Month: Nutritional Yeast
Nutritional yeast is a deactivated yeast that doesn't produce a rising effect. It is usually found in the form of flakes or granules.
Granola Bars
There are so many granola bar options on the market today that it can be a bit overwhelming! Some are better than others as far as the amount of sugar or the number of ingredients but nothing is better than when you control the ingredients yourself.
Food of the Month: Arugula
Arugula is rich in vitamins A, C, and K. In fact it is one of the best vegetable sources of Vitamin K providing a boost for bone and brain health. Arugula also provides high levels of Calcium, Folate, Magnesium, Iron and Copper which makes it a good substitute for spinach.