Healthy Eating on the Go Series: Fresca on Addison

As I took a six-hour trip this weekend to North Carolina, I was reminded of how hard it is to eat in a healthy way on the go. I was constantly bombarded by signs for fast food that was anything but healthy. While I still have trouble finding spots to eat everywhere I go, there seems to be a movement in this country that is insisting on food that is delicious and healthy. My friends and I decided to take a field trip to try one such restaurant in Richmond, Virginia this week and I was pleasantly surprised.

Fresca on Addison is the result of a collaboration between Jenna Sneed and her father, Jimmy. Jenna grew up in the culinary world since her dad Jimmy is a chef. At the age of 9 she became and vegetarian and later a vegan. Although Jimmy is not a vegan, he and his daughter have married their two worlds. His obsession is with "great product and flavor" while hers is with "farm fresh/animal free food." According to the restaurant's mission statement they are "driven by a desire to shun the foods that the big producers want us to buy. We’re focusing on local – organic – fresh – healthy – and damn tasty."


My friends and I ventured out on a very warm January day and were able to sit outside on the patio and enjoy our animal free lunches. The restaurant lacks a little atmosphere but what it lacks in ambiance it makes up for in delicious food. Pictured are the Black Bean Burger with Orzo salad and Mix and Match Tacos: Avocado and hummus, Curried Vegetable and BBQ seitan with pineapple slaw. I would go again in a heart beat! Make it your mission to seek out new healthy options for eating out. They are out there, you just have to look hard sometimes!

Vegan Tacos Fresca on Addison 2.jpg

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