Riley Shaia Fitness

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How to maintain self-care at home

When life gets turned upside down, taking care of yourself becomes more important than ever. However, if your self-care routine typically involves getting out of the house, it can be hard to honor those activities while staying close to home. Happily, there is a lot you can do to practice self-care. Check out these tips from Riley Shaia Fitness on how to do it.

Set Up a Home Workout Studio

Staying active is good for your health — and for your stress levels. These resources will help you work up a sweat whenever you can’t get to the gym.


●     There are excellent exercises you can do at home with little to no equipment, including Barre, Pilates, and yoga.

●     Can't get to the gym? These Android apps and these Apple apps help you stay on track.

●     A few pieces of equipment help you plan a well-rounded home workout.

●     Senior citizens can also work out at home no matter their physical abilities by using exercise videos and fitness apps or with simple routines like step exercising and working on balance training.

Eat Well

If you’re used to buying fresh food, maintaining a healthy diet while staying at home can be tough. Here’s how you can eat well despite the disruptions.


●     Stock your pantry with well-chosen staples.

●     Certain ingredients help lower your risk for depression.

●     Whether you’re looking for nutritious breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack ideas, Riley Shaia Fitness has loads of recipes to keep you on a healthy track.

Moderate Your Screen Time

It’s easy to resort to television shows, movies, and video games when you’re stuck at home, but all that screen time isn’t good for you.


●     Here are 5 free apps to remind you to take a break from screens.

●     Do some stretches when you've been sitting too long.

●     Try to limit the amount of TV you watch daily in favor of doing other active or relaxing activities.

Improve Your Living Space

Hovering at home is the perfect time to tackle those household projects you’ve been putting off.


●     Do some heavy-duty cleaning.

●     Optimize your home for wellness by reducing negativity and criticism.

●     Find additional productive ways to spend your time.


Spending time at home doesn't have to mean sitting idle the entire time. In fact, it shouldn’t! Maintaining your workout, practicing self-care, and staying productive not only keeps you healthy but also keeps your spirits up, too.


Riley Shaia Fitness was created as a resource for nutrition, fitness, and healthy living. Interested in attending a training? Booking a lecture? Fill out the form to contact Riley and get started.


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